Sodium Intake and Nutrition Absorption

Sodium is a very important mineral for an organism. It helps in Vitamin absorption by the small intestine. It helps in absorption of Chloride, Amino Acids, and Glucose. But only if we don’t exceed the daily intake (which is around 500mg for Humans, which is approximately 1/10 of a teaspoon). For men and women 14 years of age and older and pregnant women, need about 1’500 miligrams a day (around 1/8 of a teaspoon).

Normally we and animals get enough of Sodium with our daily foods (without adding extra salt for seasoning and preservations). In appropriate amounts salt is required by an organism to conduct Nerve Impulses, Contract and Relax Muscles, and Maintain Proper Balance of Sodium and Minerals. As i mentioned before, we get enough Sodium with products we eat, as well as our pets, which means that we don’t really need any extras if we have a Varietal and High Quality Products.

For dogs on a Raw or BARF diet, extra salt is not needed, because they get enough for their organism with Raw Meats and Meat Organs in their diet.

Sodium or Salt, is used as Binder, Stabiliser, Taste Enhancer, and very important in Food Preservations (due to it’s qualities to kill Bacteria Growth).

Salt Types

Finely grounded salts contain more Sodium than Coarser Salts. Here is a small list of common Salts and their approximate amount in 1 Tea Spoon:

  • Iodised Table Salt (fine) – 2’300 mg
  • Kosher Salt (coarse) – 1’920 mg
  • Kosher Salt (fine, diamond crystal) – 1’120 mg
  • Sea Salt (fine) – 2’120 mg
  • Sea Salt (coarse) – 1’560 mg
  • Pink (Himalayan) Salt – 2’200 mg
  • Black Salt – 1’150-2’200 mg
  • Fleur de SEL – 1’560-2’320 mg
  • Potassium Salt (salt substitute) – 0 mg (contains 2’760-3’180 mg Potassium)

Food Sources

Naturally, Sodium is contained in almost any unprocessed foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, meats, and diary foods. Most of the salt we get from commercially processed foods like: breads, pizza, cold cuts/cured meats, soups, snacks (chips, popcorn, pretzels, crackers), chicken.

Sodium is an important morels in our organism. Just remember not to give extra salt to your furry family members, because it can be toxic for them and in a long run lead to the heart and kidney problems.

As for birds and parrots, salt is a Forbidden product. Organism of birds is not developed to process salt and eliminate it from their organism. So avoid sharing any of commercial snacks with them. If you prepare unsalted plane pop-corn at home, you can safely share it with your bird and other furry part of your family.

When you cook for yourself, make sure to season your food at the end, so some part of your food before seasoning can be offered to your dog (like boiled meat, or veggies).

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I’m Olga

Welcome to my blog! Here I’m sharing my knowledge about health and healthy lifestyle for us, Humans and our Furry Friends. I invite you to join me on a journey of healthy lifestyle.

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